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Saturday, September 03, 2005

Well... que sera sera!

I picked up the box of stupid herbal stress remedy and two of the stupid glass ampoules dropped out onto the concrete floor of the kitchen, shattering into a zillion pieces. I've decided they are more bother than they're worth. So no more!

It's all too late anyway. The tour has begun, and it will move forward day by day through the schedule. For better or worse, there's nothing I can do. Que sere, sera...

The writing Course starts today and the group (a small one, just 5 since it's just me alone) will arrive at the Victor Hugo Hotel for dinner tonight. And, like the tour, we'll go day by day, step by step, through the process of creating 5 new works of fiction. And once that is underway it will have my full attention. No time to think about anything else. No time to worry about anything else.

Until, before I know it, it will be next weekend and I'll be travelling up to Paris, then flying out to meet up with Le Chef in Houston. I hope we find each other! There seem to be quite a few people descending on Houston at the moment...

Friday, September 02, 2005

Well my lacerated thumbs - yes thumbs plural, I managed to re-enact the ampoule drama left-handed - are getting better.

But, I have to say I am feeling more relaxed. And I actually slept last night.

One worrying thing, though, this morning I visited Peter's Blog page to see if he had updated and to find out his news (because of the time difference, I knew I wouldn't get to talk to him till at least midday).

And then...

I went to visit my blog page to see if I had updated. And... um... presumably, to find out my news....

Uh huh... well... eh... I hadn't updated.

I have now, though.

So at least now I have something to read....

Thursday, September 01, 2005

What do you mean - the writing course is in September....?

It starts in two days' time... on the 3rd of Oct-

Oh, right. I see. Yes. Right. September. The month of the World Tour of America. THAT September.


Got it.

Don't worry. I'll be there.

Stressed? Me?